Terms of participation and cancellation of the kubia trainings
The legal entity of the Centre for Creative Ageing and lnclusive Arts (kubia) and organizer of the training programs is the:
Institut für Bildung und Kultur e. V. (ibk e. V.)
Seekabelstraße 4 | 50733 Cologne, Germany
Tel. +49 221 7161 720 | e-mail: info@kubia.nrw
Circle of Participants
In accordance with our political mandate, we allocate places in our training programs primarily to employees of cultural institutions and organizations, those active in cultural work, work with the elderly and social work, freelance cultural professionals and teachers in adult cultural education from North Rhine-Westphalia. If the contingent of places is not exhausted by this group of people, we will expand the circle of participants to include other interested parties from other federal states as well.
Registration is done in writing via online form. Upon receipt of your registration, you will receive an automated confirmation of receipt. At the latest one week before the start of the event, you will receive a confirmation or cancellation of your participation by e-mail.
Some of our events are subject to a fee. For paid events, you will receive an invoice in PDF format together with the confirmation of participation by e-mail. Please transfer the invoice amount within ten days of receipt, stating your name and the invoice number, to the account specified in the invoice.
Upon receipt of the fee, your registration is binding. We reserve the right to allocate the place otherwise if the cost contribution is not received in time.
Cancellation by participants
If you have to cancel your participation in the event – online or in presence – we ask you to inform us as early as possible by phone or e-mail. In case of cancellation from the third working day before the start of the event or in case of no-show on the day of the event, the full fee will be due.
Also for free events, we ask for early cancellation by telephone or in writing. In case of repeated no-shows without cancellation, we reserve the right to no longer admit you to our offers.
Cancellation by the organizer
We reserve the right to cancel the event up to five business days before the scheduled date if demand is too low. In case of cancellation of the event due to force majeure, such as the illness of the lecturers, we will inform you as early as possible. In both cases the already paid fee will be refunded. Beyond that, no further claims can be made against the organizer.
Cologne, 21.12.2022