Cultural projects and cultural education programmes can often only be implemented with funding. This also applies to cultural work with older people as well as to measures for accessibility. Within the framework of the Fonds Kulturelle Bildung im Alter (Cultural Education in Old Age Fund), we award funding for exemplary projects with older, elderly and very old people with and without disabilities. We also provide information about other funding opportunities.

Fonds Kulturelle Bildung im Alter
From the Fonds Kulturelle Bildung im Alter (Cultural Education in Old Age Fund), kubia supports exemplary cultural education projects in old age with funding from the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. The deadline for submissions is 30 September each year.

Practice supported by the Fund
Every year, we support around 10 to 15 projects from the Fonds Kulturelle Bildung im Alter (Cultural Education in Old Age Fund) with a total funding volume of around 100,000 euros.

Further funding opportunities
The following funding programmes and competitions are also interesting for actors who implement cultural projects with older people or who work for inclusion, accessibility and diversity in culture.
The Deutscher Generationenfilmpreis (German Generations Film Award) is a unique platform that celebrates the creativity of older people and promotes dialogue between the generations. The national competition is organised by the German Children’s and Youth Film Centre on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. All themes, genres and forms of implementation are welcome. There are prizes worth a total of 8,000 euros to be won.
With the Diversitätsfonds Nordrhein-Westfalen (Diversity Fund North Rhine-Westphalia), established in 2021, the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia wants to make underrepresented artists and artistic perspectives visible. The aim of the programme is to strengthen the development of diversity, especially in the field of the liberal arts. Funding will be provided to cultural practitioners and initiatives as well as cultural institutions and associations in North Rhine-Westphalia.
The German Federal Cultural Foundation’s programme aims to improve access and working conditions in cultural institutions for artists with disabilities. Cultural institutions are encouraged to work inclusively, to employ artistic staff with disabilities and to discover opportunities for artistic innovation. 3.9 million euros are available for funding until 2025.
Participatory and inclusive cultural projects, for example in the fields of dance, music, visual arts or photography, in which people with and without disabilities can creatively contribute their own ideas and wishes, are funded by Aktion Mensch with up to 10,000 euros in the programme Kunst und Kultur für alle (Art and Culture for All).
With increasing digitalisation, cultural and social participation also increasingly means digital participation. Only those who are familiar with the digital world can actively use its advantages and participate on an equal footing. This makes digital participation a fundamental right for all people. Aktion Mensch wants to enable and strengthen this participation. With the funding offer Digitale Teilhabe für alle (Digital Participation for All), it supports inclusive media work that makes digital participation possible for all people with a grant of up to 20,000 euros.
With a maximum of 300,000 euros from the Förderprogramm Begegnung, Kultur und Sport (Encounter, Culture and Sport Funding Programme), Aktion Mensch supports larger projects limited to a maximum of five years with the aim of enabling all people to spend their free time as they wish. These include inclusive cultural projects that enable encounters and dialogue in art and culture. For example, Aktion Mensch supports inclusive and accessible theatre or dance performances or art studios. Aktion Mensch also supports the establishment of networks, for example to make culture in a city more inclusive.
Aktion Mensch: Förderprogramm Begegnung, Kultur und Sport (PDF)
The programme Länger fit durch Musik! (Fit Longer Through Music!) of the Bundesmusikverband Chor & Orchester (Federal Music Association Choir & Orchestra – BMCO), funded by the Federal Ministry for Senior Citizens, is aimed at choirs, orchestras, music clubs, church music ensembles and all music ensembles from the amateur music sector. Funding is provided for musical projects that actively involve people with dementia and/or carers, for example in regular joint rehearsals, workshop or concert series. In each of the years 2024 and 2025, 20 projects are to be funded.
The Federal Government’s funding database provides a complete and up-to-date overview of the funding programmes of the Federal Government, the Länder and the European Union. The funding activities are summarised according to uniform criteria, regardless of the funding level or the funding agency. The interrelationships between the individual programmes are also shown, which are important for the efficient use of government funding. In addition to a full-text search, the search can be narrowed down thematically, regionally, by addressee and by funding agency.
The online portal Call for Kunst offers a comprehensive overview of funding for artistic projects. Artists can find information on current calls for proposals on the portal, sorted according to open calls, one-off funding and recurring funding in NRW.
Any questions?
We are happy to advise you on the design and planning of accessibility measures, cultural projects with older people and projects that promote intergenerational dialogue.