In the Argentinian online magazine “Meridional”, kubia staff member Dr. Miriam Haller writes about her literary-geragogical exchange with the Argentinian professor of Latin American literature at the University of Neuquén Dr. Laura Pollastri about the project “Narrating Grandparents”.
Much can be learned from the project about inclusion and intergenerational dialogue: writing workshops for older people linked reading and writing with memory culture. The participants learned about literary forms of expression with which they could put their memories of the dictatorship, the Falklands War and their childhood and youth in general into words and pass them on to younger people. The project was supported by the Argentine Pension Fund, educational institutions, universities and the Association of Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo. It was also aimed at people with reading and writing difficulties.
More information
Miriam Haller (2023): Puentes entre las generaciones – tercera edad en dos lugares del mundo. In: Meridional 1, online